
Tiina Roze, founder of Ustori
I have founded the interior design studio "Ustori Interiors," which offers professional interior design, space planning, project management, construction, and supervision services, with the aim that the outcome of our work would create a successful, satisfied, and happy client experience, not only based on the project process itself, but continuing with the ongoing narrative.

Correctly implemented, the interaction between space and people opens up opportunities for happy stories, which enhance and enrich the client's life at home, at work and at leisure.

Everyone will agree that there are colors, objects, materials that resonate with us individually, more powerfully and make us feel better than other options. Moreover, it's entirely human that these preferences are not static but change over time. Spaces and objects also change over time.

It is precisely this energetic and informational interaction between space, environment, objects, and people, viewed through the prism of time and change, that is the central idea that personally interests and fascinates me in the profession of interior design.

In my creative process, it is important for me to listen and try to understand, so that the result is not just a project, but a space for a person that tells about the past, highlights the present, and outlines the future. So that it becomes a never-ending happy story.